• Question: what is the most exciting thing you are doing or have done in your job?

    Asked by Sinead to Ray, Ashley on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Ashley Culbert

      Ashley Culbert answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      The most exciting project I have completed was being involved in The Mountlucas winfd farm planning application. I lesrnt a lot on that project from the other engineers on the team.
      The most exciting project Im working on now is made up of three small projects. Its called mid wind, where a mid sized wind turbine will be built to connect to the local medium voltage network to supply the local needs. This project is quiet complex with a site in Cork, Kerry and Carlow. Each one needs its own site specific planning application, drawings, enviornmental surveies and enviornmental report.

      Im also working on selecting sites for phase two. We intend to roll thiat our early next year. This all means that spend a lot of time on the road between meeting people and carrying out site visits. This week alone I was in meetings in Sligo and Donegal. On thursday I had to go to west kerry where we were using an excavation to carryiout site investigations.

    • Photo: Ray Alcorn

      Ray Alcorn answered on 16 Nov 2014:

      Working on a full scale wave energy device in Australia. Due to financial and planning contraints we had one day to prove the technology. I stayed overnight onboard with a skeleton crew and just before 6am in the morning got it working and fully proved the systems. Hard work long hours but great reward
