• Question: Did you ever invent something that became really popular?

    Asked by Sweeney:):) to Ashley, Catherine, John G, Laura, Ray on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Laura Tobin

      Laura Tobin answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      Sort of. I made a solar cell testing station that allows solar cells to be tested (to see how good or bad they are) in an automated way. I connected several machines together and they are controlled on a program on my PC that I wrote. I included a lot of specialised testing options. This then became popular in my solar group and an industry partner as it could accurately produce results really easily. Outside of the solar group, it’s not very popular but I’m very proud of it.

    • Photo: Catherine Conaghan

      Catherine Conaghan answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      Nothing that’s become really popular, but I did develop an energy management software tool in my previous job that was bought to be developed further by a larger company. We also just developed a new app for a tablet that we hope will become popular!

    • Photo: John Ging

      John Ging answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      No, not yet. Its on the “to do” list.
      I’ve issued reports that people buy for lots of money, but I wouldn’t say they’re popular, just expensive.

    • Photo: Ray Alcorn

      Ray Alcorn answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      hi sweeney

      no yet but I have just started a company.. http://www.exceedence.com that will be selling software which I hope will be popular.. fingers crossed

