• Question: Hi Catherine. Does your company take many work experience students or apprentices on?

    Asked by Sarah_McHale to Ashley, Catherine, John G, Laura, Ray on 8 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by Melissa R.
    • Photo: John Ging

      John Ging answered on 8 Nov 2014:

      I know this is opened to Catherine, but EirGrid do.
      I’m on the panel for selecting the lucky students.

    • Photo: Catherine Conaghan

      Catherine Conaghan answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Hi Sarah – yes our company take on lots of college students every year. If they do a good job usually those students will end up working with the company when they graduate.

    • Photo: Ray Alcorn

      Ray Alcorn answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      UCC does and our centre in particular takes 4 or 5 interns per year.

    • Photo: Laura Tobin

      Laura Tobin answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Work experience is a brilliant way to see exactly what a company/person does.
