• Question: How would you describe yourself in three words, as you never answered on your interveiw?

    Asked by Kaitlin_Kearney29 to Laura on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Laura Tobin

      Laura Tobin answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Hi Kaitlin,

      There are so many words used to describe me. The one that really suits me that I put down was forgetful. I was filling it out and I forgot to come back and fill it in. Thanks for reminding me. I also put down curious as I’m so nosey. I like to figure out how things work, if I can make it and can I make it better. I’m also adventurous, if someone offers me a challenge, I cannot say no!

      EDIT: My friend TrĂ­ona who is taking part on I’m a Scientist http://beryn14.imascientist.ie/profile/trionaoconnell/ thinks I’m cool!
