• Question: What do you think is the importance of being an engineer?

    Asked by Sweeney:) to Ashley, Catherine, John G, Laura, Ray on 10 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by Sweeney:):).
    • Photo: John Ging

      John Ging answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      The most important thing is safety.
      Any project you work on should be safe for everyone involved.
      So, the most important thing about being an engineer is designing safe systems to solve complex problems. Obviously any solution should be cost effective and do what its designed for also, but an engineer has ultimate responsibility for the users of the solution down the line. Therefore, safety should be top of the priority list as you go into work each day, whether your modelling or building something. At some point those models might become a real thing and should not hurt someone!

    • Photo: Laura Tobin

      Laura Tobin answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Being a team player and a good communicator. If you are working on your own there will come a time when you need help from other people. These people might not be engineers so you have to be able to communicate and work with them. If you are working on a team, again that team could be made up of all types of professions, not just scientists and engineers.

      If you look at space exploration, there are so many engineers, scientists, medical doctors etc… all working together. If there is bad communication then there will be problems such as safety like John mentioned.
      For example, NASA in 1999, had its $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter probe was destroyed because its attitude-control system used imperial units but its navigation software used metric units. As a result, it was 100 kilometres too close to Mars when it tried to enter orbit around the planet. Luckily it was just a probe but it was a very costly mistake over a simple problem.

    • Photo: Ray Alcorn

      Ray Alcorn answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      Did you see the opening ceremony of the London Olympics. It depicts pre and post industrial Britain. Technology revolutionised industry and catalysed the economy. This industrialisation was all done through engineering. We still have that legacy that wealth and growth is driven by technology and industry. Perhaps not the heavy industry of the Victorian industry but Ireland is good at the higher value add goods and services. Also remember that the quality of life that you enjoy and even take for granted is all on the basis of engineering. Transport roads cars food energy communications internet and even sky TV not possible without engineering so yes… Engineering is important as it’s part of your everyday life

    • Photo: Catherine Conaghan

      Catherine Conaghan answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      Sort answer – Engineering changes the world.

      It create new products, it solves problems, it improves things so they work better/cheaper then before.
